Spherly: Blockly-Based Sphero Control

Built on Blockly


Download Server
(Both Bluetooth and the above server are required to communicate with Sphero)

OTHER PROJECTS: Also, check out our other projects called Pixly and Tunely, which support exploration of media computation (pixel manipulation and sound manipulation) using Blockly languages.

About Support Materials Creators

Spherly is a web-based programming environment based on Blockly that supports programmatic control of a Sphero robot.

Supported by NSF and Google CS4HS:

Additional Links:
Demonstration Video:

Users Manual:

Users Forum:

Spherly Users Forum
(Google Groups)

  • Jake Trower:
    Undergraduate Senior at the University of Alabama. Computer Science Major, Mathematics Minor

  • Kathy Hill:
    Undergraduate Senior at the University of Alabama. Computer Science and Mathematics Major

  • Robert Smyly:
    Original Designer
    UA Computer Science Alum

Project Advisor: